A 22 year old male runner reported with chronic low back pain paired with a sharp pain down his right thigh 5 years in duration. More recently tightness and pain had started to spread up to his mid back and neck. The patient reported that he had been running on a degenerative ankle for several years that ultimately required surgery. After the ankle was corrected the low back and leg pain remained. He received chiropractic care for years which gave him relief from symptoms, but never resolved the issue.
Crucial findings that had been previously untreated were incorrect core activation by sucking the stomach in which was inhibiting his ability to create intra-abdominal pressure (IAP). This resulted in him creating extra tightness in the muscles of his back, neck and legs for stability. Additionally, we found myofascial adhesions in the adductor (groin) muscles of his right hip (specifically pectineus) which were altering the biomechanics of his hip/pelvis complex. This was most likely a result of running on an injured ankle.
His treatment included manipulation of the spine and pelvis, therapeutic exercises to normalize core activation for spine and pelvis stability while improving hip mobility and lastly myofascial release of the adductor muscles. After 6 visits over a 1 month period the patient reported complete relief from his low back and leg pain and his upper back and neck tightness had significantly improved as well.
This patient was taught how to maintain these improvements with home exercises targeted towards his needs. He was released from care without restrictions.

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